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A bright future for factories: Giant solar-powered space farms may orbit Earth by 2035

Energy X โซล่าเซลล์

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A bright future for factories: Giant solar-powered space farms may orbit Earth by 2035

12 October 2023
Energy X โซล่าเซลล์

The company says its solar space technology will produce more renewable energy than its terrestrial equivalent.

A solar-powered space farm designed to orbit above Earth could be operational by 2035.

Oxfordshire, UK-based technology company Space Solar said: The project could also contribute to the UK's future energy supply.

The 2km long solar panel farm will transmit power to receivers on Earth in the same way as a mobile phone signal.

The company says its solar space technology will produce more renewable energy than its terrestrial equivalent.

What is a space solar farm?

A solar space farm consists of giant solar panels orbiting above the Earth. Innovators have turned to the sky as the next frontier for clean energy because of the intensity of sunlight that can be harvested in space.

In space, the Sun's beam is about ten times stronger than on Earth and can be captured 24 hours a day, rather than just during daylight hours.

Last October, the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed plans for a solar farm that would float 36,000 km above Earth.

“[The project] will help ensure that Europe becomes a key player and potentially a leader in the international race for scalable clean energy solutions to mitigate climate change,” ESA said in a statement.

Solar space farms could be operational by 2035.

Technology company Space Solar says innovations in launching reusable space have made it possible for floating solar farms. “There is economic potential.”

This technology could become a key energy source for the UK as it uses half the area of ground-based solar farms and one-tenth of the area of offshore wind farms, while producing 13 more renewables. equal.

“Space solar power has long been considered the best source of clean energy,” Sam Alden of Space Solar told UK news network BBC.

“We will be able to make a significant impact towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and a brighter future for the planet.”

The company's goal is "to deliver 20 percent of the world's energy using 600 satellites."

The UK Government has allocated £6 million (€6.9m) for a space-based solar energy research project in the UK and a further £5 million (€5.8m) for an international project called CASSIOPeiA Energy Study. sunlight in space.